Jay Hamlin 0:04 Okay, so I think we're at what Robbie Myers 0:07 nagging? Yeah, Jay Hamlin 0:09 okay, nagging. She'll nag you. Let me echo to this real quick before I think Dave's going to do the slides, but here we have the education committee recommendations based on all the work they did. I'm sure they'll give you some background on that here. The people that are part of the group, you probably have that on a slide too. I can't remember. But I will now turn it over to I think, Dave, you're going to present? Allison is going to start out. Okay. Yeah. Alison Sing 0:38 Are we are we I thought we had the 420. It's only Jay Hamlin 0:44 we're just early. Is that okay, Alison Sing 0:45 that's fine. That's fine. That gives us a little more time. Yeah. Well, thank you, Jay. And thank you, everybody. You know, on behalf the Education Committee, we express our thanks to each and every one of you, our colleagues for contributing to the training survey we just completed. As you know, this was a two year journey, getting feedback from our Association members about their training needs. And as of March 5 2021, thanks to Jays, copulation statistics, we received 43 unique responses out of a possible of 83, which doesn't include the 10 vacancies that are our board. Now, this includes both board members and staff. This gives us a nice a response rate of about 52%. And for a survey, initially, this is a good return. And being able to present today, really well allow us to really identify the issues that our members have raised, and that we're trying to address going forward. So I'm going to turn it over to Dave right now. And let him lead us through the findings and recommendations. Thank you very much. Marcel Goulet 1:57 Great, Dave Hambelton 1:57 thank you, Allison. So Allison just touched on it, and Jay had a slide up also the those are the four people that were most active in doing this process for us. And so it was a process we went through. And so it was identified, you know, some of the past meetings, and I think it was actually defined that identified back in calama, in 2019, that we are, you know, what can we do for training. And so we got together as a committee and thought, well, we shouldn't just go off in a room but decide what's needed for training, we want to get some information from our members. And so we did put together the survey with Jays help. And since we put together three surveys, because we sort of have three different classes of people to respond to this, we felt, we have new board members like myself, who hadn't done hardly anything at this point in time. We have the experience board members that have been on boards for years. And then just every bit as important, we do have the clerks and their staffs that sort of keep on our train going around. Yes. Okay. And so we feel with that survey, we captured the essence, we have the training needs, there were lots of objective comments. And some of them also didn't apply to training. And so we went through and sort of put those all in buckets. And then we established some findings and recommendations. And I think, as Robbie pointed out earlier, this is supposed to basically be a presentation this afternoon. And then maybe we'll have time afterwards or at the roundtable tomorrow morning, if there were questions or further discussion or decisions or anything, it can be done in the morning. And so our major buckets, we identified from the three different sets of surveys. There's a lack of consistency. Some organizations have scripts they use, and there's sort of a maybe large misunderstanding about our CW is and Mr. Kaufman did a fantastic job this morning talking about that our CW is and then since we're talking about education and training, there appears to be almost an all counties a lack of in house training. There are some comments made about legal advice, and Mr. Kaufman test on that this morning also. And then we feel we ought to have as an organization, we should have some best management practices. Then there were also comments about the trouble of main managing the public. In your meetings at some of the meetings. It sounds like they've gotten fairly nasty. And I mentioned Allison a couple of days ago, I'm not on a school. I'm not I'm not a school board member at this point in time with what's happening to the poor school boards. And so this was sort of our approach to take the take the education and training needs and turn it into buckets and so we're going to eat the elephant one bucket at a time. Okay? Jay Hamlin 4:57 Ever you're going to present or did you want Did I just put that first slide up? Do you want? Are you going to present? Dave Hambelton 5:04 I thought I asked to share. Jay Hamlin 5:07 No, you just need to go ahead and share your PowerPoint. Okay, you shouldn't have to ask actually, it should work just work. Dave Hambelton 5:21 Okay, sure screen. Oh. Jay Hamlin 5:26 Oh, yeah, yeah, you might have just not hit the last button. There you go. Now you got it. Dave Hambelton 5:29 That's a mistake on my part. Oh, no Jay Hamlin 5:31 problem. Yep. Oh, I covered for Yeah, got that slide up. Dave Hambelton 5:44 In I don't know what this big box just showed Jay Hamlin 5:46 up is okay. There. Yeah, you're good. Yeah, Dave Hambelton 5:50 we're good. Okay, so they're going to go back to full screen presentation. Okay, sorry about that. Okay, so I'm not going to repeat it. Okay. And so our first one had the first bucket was a consistency bucket. And the current new members and old members all agreed that we don't have consistent training against the BRP entities that are out of here. Marcel Goulet 6:21 Okay. Dave Hambelton 6:23 This is lack of consistency. So our recommendation would be that the, we would try to use the Association website, which j has done so much work on already. And it's come a really long way. But that would be a repository, it would be the go to information destination for all the IRB members and staff across the state, we'd have our standardized training program material would be there, we'd have tried to clearly identify the roles for staff and to be IRB members, we'd have a really good education program, we could have a question a q&a area of it. So people would go here and like, well, somebody else has asked this question, we'd have some answers for those. Those can be drafted up some of the, you know, standardized questions and answers. We could have a section covering other issues and our procedural practices that people might need a little bit more help on. We can hopefully have a thing and Jacob maybe do it for us that if the website is updated. This is 2021. And we want to certainly move away from a paper notebook that is distributed once a year at the meeting that served its purpose, you know very well for years and years. But and then if we have it on a web and that there's some information updated if the members could be notified about that. And so yeah, so replace the conference network. And then also, if the website getting them repaired a little bit about the mrsc earlier today, and maybe there could be links to vital information on other agencies that would be held to us. And we also feel it's and we got quite a bit of our input back that not a lot of people are not a lot of the associations across the state, have mentor mentee relationships, that we think that could be a very good way to sort of get that established and put a little more focus on old members versus new members to share shump share some of that knowledge. And then also it wouldn't have to be just within a county maybe somebody between Snohomish Skagit County could work together if there were certain areas of expertise that could readily be shared. Okay. Okay, and scripts. Okay. So we've talked about scripts quite quite a bit in the Premiership. And I retired three years ago, and I've forgotten how to do PowerPoint pitches. Okay, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. So some of the counties recognize they do have a some form of a chair script, but it's eminently pretty sure that a standardized chair script is not being used by all brb counties. And my first hearing I went through we as we talked about this morning, Snohomish County is the only county at least was identified and going through a virtual meeting and a virtual hearing and everything. And that was the first one I had been went through and we had the script for the chair and the staff member Pamela has a copy of the script, all the members of the board have a copy of the script. And it was it just an extremely organized well good way to run a meeting and just walk down through to do it. And so we think and since we are all operating in the same RC w as we're tending to think and recommending that there might be some differences that basically the we should all be performing our process in our our meetings the same way so standardized script might be a way to help do that. And so we talked about it shares with includes references to the RC W's and how decisions we made it be shared with the members and staff And then with hopefully give us more well run meetings and also as pointed out sort of by Mr. coffin this morning. If you have a everything is very well documented as you go through your meeting and it's down in writing, in the case you have an appeal. It's if you've gone through and answered all the facts, factors and objectives and clearly identified how you responded to them and why you responded to them, that could certainly help in the future, keep ourselves out of the process jail, I guess. Okay. And then on our CW is the, and we saw that one slide this morning, there must have been about 70, different RC Ws. And I can certainly see why there is confusion on that, and I've had a lot of it on myself also. So there were questions related to the applicable RC W is the bar must consider in their decisions. They're not always identified reference read at the beginning of a hearing to ensure compliance with them. And this can lead to procedural errors. And so my recommendation is that we aren't trying to manage a secret here, we want the public to know what we're doing. And so maybe the applicable art, she W's could be listed on a piece of paper and hand it out if it's a or on the screen, if it's a virtual meeting to the public, so they can understand what the board's responsibility and legal authority are governing our decisions we make. Number four is lack of in house training, and it was identified many of our brb counties do not have in house training for members and staff. Many rely on the annual training conference. However, due to time constraints, comprehensive training is not provided. And I think this conference has been very good. We learned a lot about the fire district thing this morning, Mr. Kaufman did a great job. We're talking about you know, this this afternoon. And so it sort of leaves a void throughout the year for a member and staff training. Since the at least up here a generally our board only meets in our jurisdiction, when we have a public hearing is scheduled. So we don't really have any in house training. Pamela has put together a bunch of flowcharts and how our process works. And those have been shared by Jay now on the site. But and we you know, some I think we've had one meeting in the past couple of years, we did go over some of that information that Pamela had accumulated for us. And it's it was a big help. And so looking forward into 2022 here, you know, maybe some professional staff could collaborate in the middle of a little, little mini zoom sessions focused on specific issues. Or they can it could be recorded for future use by members. The Zoom sessions can be interactive, or one way presentations that answer specific questions raised by board members. The main thing is if we get some good information developed, get it in a repository, ie our web page so it can be readily accessed by our members and staff. Okay. So I'm pushing. Page Down. There we go. Okay. And this also came up with Mr. coffin this morning, but legal advice. It was brought up by several members in our survey that many board members want information on when to seek legal advice. What is the requests for seeking legal advice? How board should handle legal citations that refer to non Washington state law, case law or statutes? When a member should recuse themselves we've got conflict of interest ex parte Mr. Kaufman did a pretty good job covering most of that for this morning. But it would be nice for that to be I'd say basically in writing and on the on the web, or be able to go back and review Mr. Kaufman's piece of his speech that he gave to us this morning. So we can go back and see that make try to make sure that we always comply with all the legal advice so that we are a quasi judicial bottle acting on behalf of the County and the county prosecuting attorney's office or the county's legal counsel should be enlisted to help provide legal advice for us. I know King County's big enough they have Mr. Kaufman's I understand that sort of their legal advice and so on the county's best entrust to provide legal services to brb to ensure proper procedures are observed and to minimize illegal appeals, the brb decision so it wouldn't be very nice to have your legal advice provided when you're going through the process and making your decisions and try to get everything done. Correct the first time rather than having to do it in a court of law at a later point in time. Lenora Blauman 15:08 And Dave Hambelton 15:09 six, okay. Jay Hamlin 15:14 So that's an Dave Hambelton 15:15 agent's practices. It's sort of a generic term that's used for many things. And we don't really feel we have any adopted statewide best management practices, or, you know, standards for our vendor review boards. And were recommended by best practices, you know, do we have best management practices could almost be summarized under the term like standardized, standardized training scripts, the processes, how we share knowledge, how we access our experiences, how we do management, do we have any financial best practices that apply to us. And then communication, I think is a very big one, because we're a public body and getting the proper communication in place is obviously very important to us. And this was one that came up from a couple different counties, that members indicated that some brb meetings are disrupted. Our members seek guidance and tools for managing public hearing disruption by those in attendance. And so we were able to establish training meeting formats and scripts that clearly identify the hearing process, the spell out the rules of engagement at the beat engagement at the beginning of the hearing should minimize disruptive behavior. And then we might need to have some additional conflict resolution tools that have been developed. And we can use those and have those in our quiver, if we need those to do that type of thing. And, yeah, and so this was our shot at the apple, that and we acknowledge this is not an all inclusive list of training issues, you know, implementation of these recommendations, will enhance the association's professional profession, professionalism, value, and credibility. So we're basically making these recommendations to you, the members and the staff of our association, and we'll talk about and maybe tomorrow morning, or maybe later this afternoon a little bit to see, you know, did we hit the target missed the target, and we completely missed something should be doing another focus, whatever. And then also, as I mentioned on the Jay Hamlin 17:35 Can you take any, you might take any question right there. It's sort of 20 topics. Yes, I got Christine. Unknown Speaker 17:41 Okay, Christine, Unknown Speaker 17:42 I was actually just gonna comment on a little bit of that, I think that that's really, really great work that you've done as far as just listing out some of the areas that could be improved and standardized. I will say that I've been the clerk for Skagit and Watkins since 2014, I think. And I will notice specifically that other boundary review boards, or helpful in like, sharing their information. And like I believe that we all have like rules of practice and procedure that should be similar and are kind of modeled off the state, the state rules of practice and procedure, which I think is is kind of in the area of best management practices. And I know, right after I started, there was a mock hearing that was based on something that happened in Snohomish County that they had at a conference. And in our binder, we got all the materials of the mock hearing. And when we had a hearing in Mount Vernon Skagit County after that, I utilized some of those materials. And we, you know, did a chair script and stuff based on what was covered in that mock hearing. So I think that these annual conferences are just super valuable as far as sharing information and trying to be fairly consistent, but I think this just takes it to another level. So I really appreciate it. Dave Hambelton 19:15 Yeah. And so we'd like to know that information is presented. So say we talked about chair scripts, as an example. This would get into the implementation, which, you know, hopefully we'd have some kind of an implementation plan put together for 2022 to try to move forward on this stuff, if the executive committee and the membership agree with with our ideas. And so, if several counties have scripts, you know, this committee could gather all those scripts, and, you know, go through and review them and you know, well, you know, and they might not have to be probably don't have to be identical, maybe it would be ideal if they were identical. But go through and compare those scripts and come up with a best script that maybe Snohomish County can Quickly fought forgot about this OR gate guys looks like this and get it standardized, but then also, I think it's very important for it to be readily available on the website, that's where we're sort of focusing that the websites are report repository for all of our good information that Thank you, Christine. Lenora Blauman 20:18 Excuse me, this is lindora. Again, because I can't keep my mouth shut. So, um, these are all really excellent ideas, I would like to be certain that, um, that you all have the staff manual and the members manual, both of which have copies of King County, or we may still be using something from Spokane County from years ago, which have a script. Now, not everybody doesn't have to have the same script. And we don't always use the same script, it kind of depends on what's happening. Uh huh. those documents should also include our organization, rules of practice and procedure, which anyone is free to plagiarize if they are helpful or use as a base. So it would be great to have those in the website. But I just want to encourage people to know that they are out there. And my final comment for the moment is about legal advice. We are extremely fortunate because the way Bob's contract is set up with us. He is not a county attorney, which means that if we all go to court, and King County doesn't King County legal staff does not agree with our position, then Bob gets to represent us. If you're going into a county where you're trying to get county attorney's advice, and that person could end up being having a different position. If you get to Superior Court, you could find yourselves and quite the cat's cradle a mouse. So it's not to say that you don't need legal advice you do. And we provide as much as we can, according to Bob statement this morning, but please make sure that you're getting advice that will be neutral and available to you if you do end up in court. Dave Hambelton 22:24 So ignore those two manuals that you mentioned, are those available in an electronic form? Are they Lenora Blauman 22:30 I believe they are I can't I can't say that for certain. We sent them to on a thumb drive a couple of years ago, I think we sent them Marcel, if bread is on or rent is on the line, I believe that you got them in that form and that they were forwarded to Jenna but I'm I am not certain about the state of this. But Dave Hambelton 22:56 um, this happens to be the first time I've heard about Lowe's manuals. Yeah, I Lenora Blauman 23:01 thought that might be the taste based on really, really hard work, but a little bit of head scratching on my part, so and it's hard copies of them. They're probably a couple of years old, but they don't change that much. Because the law doesn't change that much. And we will get you somehow we will get you either a thumb drive or a hard copy. So you can take a look at those. Now. Remembering, I'm starting to Nika cuz I know that happens to you a lot. Um, I, we've always handed them out for the conference every year. So I'm not quite sure what happened this year, and I'm not casting aspersions. But it seemed when I was reading your material that you hadn't had an opportunity to to look at those, whatever. And then that you want to have j and the team put into the website. I think it's great to have them all under one cover. Yes, um, Jay Hamlin 24:00 yeah, I'm not sure that I have me there. They're probably around like you say that maybe. But I agree that we can probably do something. And I see Marcel has his hand up to Marcel Goulet 24:12 check with gretta. I do recall the thumb drives, and I'm sure we've got them available. It's just a matter of locating them. Generally. Generally, they have been included in the actual binder distributed to everybody. But since we've been doing virtual, I'm not sure that those were distributed. Jay Hamlin 24:32 And I can make sure if we get digital copies, I can make sure they're up on the website. Alright. Lenora Blauman 24:39 Well, that's try gretta first that would, yeah, yes. I can send them I have them from the Thank you. Thank you very much. gretta. Dave Hambelton 24:50 And I know two years ago and Allison made a presentation in Colombia there. I think everybody got a thumbdrive of his stuff Lenora Blauman 24:58 that I was in Croatia. So I can. That is Jay Hamlin 25:01 I think that's the same thing, Greg, we're okay. Marcel Goulet 25:05 Yeah, that was sort of ages ago. So we'll make sure we can get back and make them current. Yeah. In other words, we'll dig them out and make sure everybody gets a copy. Dave Hambelton 25:15 Yeah. And, you know, Lenora Blauman 25:17 any thanks, because I think that's going to help. It's not going to solve every problem or answer any question, but I think it will certainly put things in in a smaller to do list. Yeah, Marcel Goulet 25:31 it's a great resource that everybody can get in line with, and so no problem at all. Dave Hambelton 25:36 And maybe we're working through them. And you know, since it's been a few years since they've been updated, maybe we can, you know, make some improvements to them. Okay. Great. Good. Lenora Blauman 25:45 Thank you. Cam. Okay, absolutely. Dave Hambelton 25:49 Any other questions at this point? Or can we move on? So, anytime you do a survey. So this is, so this goes to the category, call it new topics for further consideration. And so anytime you do a survey you get, and that was all, we had over 100 subjective comments, and so not all of med necessarily to do with training. And so one of the things that sort of came out that our website enhancement now Jays, one step ahead of me on this one, but we thought we could have a new section devoted to questions and answers submitted by members and staff editorial style answer, questions of legal nature can be turned over to our legal team, or Association should identify as a set of topics, generic categories. So in the books that Leonora just mentioned, you know, we want to have have that all on the website and readily accessible for people to be able to get to, we sort of moved on beyond paper at this point in time and I've been having a you know, I'm one of those guys that has had a tough time moving from paper, but I've I've done a pretty good job at this point. Okay. And then another consideration is develop a partnership with the list of agencies and organizations to consult with, we should develop a list of potential partners to develop best management practices tools, we can use and share with our br brb members and staff by obtaining permission to either link or post on our website link to their websites post on ours. state boards and commissions must annually note Oh, we do our online refresher course about you know, Open Meeting Law and disclosure statements and ex parte communication. But so have that stuff once again on our website readily available for the members to help them out. And then we saw Jays report this morning. And especially with the last year and this year, since we haven't had our annual conferences and I understand it was my limited knowledge at the annual conference was our main revenue generator for the year the in person conference, one like this, we you know, I think our the $100 paid by each county almost pays for the gift certificates that Robbie is going to give away. So not a big fundraiser here. But our picture is extremely bleak. And our reliance on the annual fee is barely enough to maintain our current operation. Well, we can't really depend on that to keep us alive. Annual Conference I said raised to raise money for us an external source of external family, we're limited in our ability to act internally and externally. It's been suggested our memory counters with the association's blessing approach, and see if we could go there any type of COVID funding, since we've been impacted by you know, just sort of throwing a little lion out there don't know the answer. But there would there be a way some other additional funding available for us and Lenore, maybe with your ties in King County, you might be the first one to even you know, is that a remote possibility? Or are we just just to the upstream? Lenora Blauman 29:02 I'm gonna say you're casting upstream and with a very small fly so um, first of all, I'd like to say excuse me if I I'm sorry to interrupt you but our situation is not bleak at this point. What made it bleed? was trying to pay for Mike shots very valuable assistance. Okay. Don't have we can't we can't afford that over the long term. Um, I don't see any ready. I'm always open to new ideas. I don't see any ready source for more information. I do know for a fact based on at least King County requirements that we do not and as an organization, qualify for COVID funds. There's nothing that has happened with COVID that has impacted us except that we're all sitting here in our own living rooms wearing I don't know fuzzy jammies. or something. And we're not ever going to be able no matter what we do to afford another lobbyist with any skills whatsoever, Mike Shaw was doing us an enormous, enormous Dave Hambelton 30:14 favor as talked about this morning. Yes, right. Lenora Blauman 30:17 Um, and, um, in the past, there's been in discussion of 501, c three, we the cost of putting that together plus the fact that we really don't do anything that's going to excite 501 C, three funding, we could try for grants, but those are really hard to come by. And again, we're not trying to do anything more if we were the public health department, and we were trying to bring drugs to squirrels to help them get better. So we wouldn't get sick, which was a new program that had never been tried before, we might qualify for grant. But, um, the and I don't want to keep running on about this, but I don't see any, and I'm open to ideas, but I've before Jay became financial officer, I was Financial Officer for a very long time. And if you can see something that we do that's going to attract funding, um, you all are, you know, welcome, and I will help any way that I can, but I think that a we don't, we're not bleak. So we don't need an NB, I'm out of creative ideas. But you know, it's not up to me, but I can tell you based on my, again, 20 plus something, your history with this, that we just, you know, we might try increasing the dues a little, if we're gonna have more training sessions throughout the year, and then just the annual one, or maybe charge, you know, 50 $50, a county for these extra kind of training sessions or something like that. But um, people are not standing out there in line waiting to help us. So I'm sorry to be the bad news, but Jay Hamlin 32:08 Robbie wants to add her two cents. Robbie Myers 32:12 Well, I was going to say that we really don't spend that much money that we need to make extra money. Our major income is the annual conference, and then we have a little bit of administration costs. And it all seems to even out every single year, but we don't need a big padding. Jay Hamlin 32:42 profit organization to come when you're done. Probably Are you done? Yeah. Mary has her hand up. Marcel Goulet 32:53 Oops, Jay Hamlin 32:54 she just went mute. Unknown Speaker 32:57 Sorry, I thought I was muted. Thank you very much. It's good to hear all these ideas. We we've spoken about the budget before. And it seems that it's a topic that can bear some further delving into perhaps not right at during the education committees, the talk, but we probably we cannot be a nonprofit in the sense of a 501 c three, but we can probably be a anywhere from a four to an eight. And if we lobby people, then we definitely can't be a seat three. Jay Hamlin 33:44 We're not allowed to wabi x, right. We have Unknown Speaker 33:50 your lobby every time you've talked to legislators on behalf of even introducing yourself. So that's let me finish, please. Thank you. Thank you, you, I've heard you out. I'd like to finish. So probably a C four or two a C eight would be our best bet. But you know, if every year we have to beg for money, then we need to come up with other sources of money. I'm not sure where at this point in time, but it would have to be probably from the legislature. And that Thank you. Jay Hamlin 34:31 Marcel has his hand up. Marcel Goulet 34:35 Yeah, I guess. First of all, Mary sort of stated, what I was thinking is that we need to have this discussion at the executive committee level. I recognize and I appreciate the Education Committee, putting some light on this. However, I think we probably should move this to a different forum that would have the ability to make some decisions to determine what we need to do. If anything And how we might want to proceed. But I really welcome that discussion. I believe that as an organization, there are a number of things, we definitely have room to evaluate and see if we can improve on. Dave Hambelton 35:15 And the purpose of my slide was not to try to resolve it, we want to, as Marcel said, you want to forward this to the executive committee and the executive committee feel they don't have a budget. It's they're the ones running the organization. So okay. And I think this is my last one here. Oops, take down. Okay. And so it was, you know, brought up in our survey information. And I've been, I've been around this public thing I've been on and I was first appointed to the Snohomish County Planning Commission right out 40 years ago, and I've had a couple of terms, there have been another multiple boards. And it seems like anytime it has to do with land use, everybody shows up at the hearing, and they didn't hear anything about it. And so there's just a huge amount of sort of lack of citizen participant participation, not on the part of them, but so we're obligated to inform our citizenry where obligation education, educate them on the laws, our responsibilities. So we have to let the people know that you come to the hearing, you know, who we are, what we do, what our authority is, what's not our authority. And that's same with other boards I'm on. So maybe we could have some educational material on our on our website, they can find information out or participate in a public hearing their rights as citizens to participate, the how tos and giving public testimony, Moti. No different we should develop similar tools, such tools working out, so I'm not going to read the whole thing you guys can read. And all of this, this presentation is up on the web. That Jay was good enough to get get it up there so that everybody can go look at it. And so that was Alison, I had to deal he was going to give the introduction I was going to try to assemble through the presentation. And now Allison is going to wrap it up for us. Alison Sing 37:18 Thank you, Dave. You know, the survey helped us to identify what the what is, and it's going to be up to the leadership at the association to figure out when and how we might implement some of these recommendations. Now, it's not something that is going to be slam dunk on staff or, on particular individuals, this is an opportunity for us to collaborate together. There's a lot of information out there that can be filtered and enhance. And if we work on getting the website to have the appropriate information that will move us in the right direction, as far as in terms of providing information, not only for our IRB members, but as well as for helping our professional staff, because in many of the counties, we've got new people being assigned to the brb that have never held a hearing or, or that's not their tray graph. And so I'm gonna close with a little Asian cultural statement. In the Chinese culture that worked for danger has two meanings. Danger on one side, the flip side is an opportunity. And in our case, we face a situation where it's critical for us to get the information out to our members and to our staff so that we have something that's uniform, and people agree on how to proceed. So even though we're facing this difficulty, it is also an opportunity for us to move forward going into the next couple years now, none of this is going to be resolved overnight. It just takes time we, we can outline a work plan, identify the things that can be done quickly. The other stuff that requires more research or refinement, we can do that over time. But at least we're moving in the right direction. So I want to extend my thanks to all of the PRB staff, to the association leadership, and as well as to Jay for all the work that they've done to help us get to where we are now. So we're going to talk tomorrow, hopefully, and yes, get some feedback from the members and see if we've touched everything. But the bottom line is this is only the first step. And another Asian quote is that a journey starts with that first step. So we're going to take that first step together. Thank you much. Dave Hambelton 39:50 So I'd like to add on to follow on to Allison here. Obviously there's been a lot a lot of work be required if these ideas are accepted in deciding To go forward, it's going to take some help to do it. And so back to Jay signup for the, the committee you want to be on, please go sign up for the Education Committee, because we're going to, we could use a lot of help to try to move forward with these ideas, if it's the right path to go on. Thank you. Robbie Myers 40:19 All right, thank you guys. I don't know if people have seen it. But Dave Gardner wrote to everybody, as the newest member, I agree that virtual meeting was very well run. Thank you so much. And that reminds me to remind all of you, today or tomorrow, Jay has the forms, such that when you click on them, you can fill them out right then and there. Virtually, and nice and easy. I already filled out mine from the committee I want. Um, and so be sure to fill out your form for what you liked and didn't like about the conference and that kind of stuff. Okay. Jay Hamlin 41:06 You sign up and sign up for a committee? Yes. For the third time everybody's selling those committees pretty well. Impressed? Robbie Myers 41:14 Well, it's a matter of, you know, everybody has an opinion. So if you have an opinion, get in there and help work it otherwise. If we have a sign and one of our trucks that says if you don't vote don't whine, well, there you go. If you don't help don't wind Jay Hamlin 41:30 up there's a reward for staying around to the end. Robbie Myers 41:35 Yes, we do. We have another $50 giveaway. I've already written down the number now I want everybody to go to their bottom of the screen. Don't send them to me. Like on their chat. And click on the button that says Alison Sing 41:52 Jay Hamlin to change it. You got to change it to everyone. Jay Hamlin 41:57 Everyone. Robbie Myers 41:58 Chat where the arrow is next to Jays name or whoever. Click that and hit everyone. Jay Hamlin 42:04 Yeah, okay. Ben. Fan wants to do it. Dan, you can tell us verbally? Near the end here. You don't tell us yet because you'll give away your number. We don't want to we don't want to influence anybody. Robbie Myers 42:16 Allison and who else got to vote twice? Oh, yeah. Yeah, Alison Sing 42:20 that's okay. I want once I'm trying to maintain my losing streak. Jay Hamlin 42:24 What do you mean you actually want I think last time well, because David Campbell won last Dave Hambelton 42:30 year. Robbie Myers 42:33 Family on Yeah, Alison Sing 42:35 our county's been excluded from the Marcel Goulet 42:39 right way. Well, Jay Hamlin 42:40 we got to give a band a chance to hear for everybody else's. Pick a number. Okay, wait, Ben it's back if you could unmute or you can write it down and show us other you know, you're not muted. I can't hear you man. Unknown Speaker 42:57 To my number Bobby. Robbie Myers 42:59 Ha. Unknown Speaker 43:01 I sent you my number. Jay Hamlin 43:04 Okay. Probably you got one from Mary. Dad. I'm sorry. I still can't hear you. Could you have something to write it down on? Or if you unmute her Robbie Myers 43:21 So Mary, how did you send it to me? Unknown Speaker 43:24 in text like you told us this morning? Robbie Myers 43:28 I didn't know I didn't get a text. Unknown Speaker 43:32 I sent it to your the number you gave me Robbie Myers 43:36 360581809 to Dave Hambelton 43:40 just say the number Jay Hamlin 43:44 at this point you just say oh 35 There we go. Okay bands bands, doing something to she's walking somewhere and trying to figure it out. Well you're gonna number she's walking down the hallway somewhere. Alison Sing 44:07 Hello, her she one. Jay Hamlin 44:11 Time now I was telling her I couldn't hear and I don't know. She said. She knows she's gonna get her fine. Robbie Myers 44:19 Oh, and Christine, do you have my email address? Yes, thank you. Unknown Speaker 44:30 Yeah, I'm sure I do. Okay, Jay Hamlin 44:33 so anybody read lips? They can read Ben's lips? Oh, yeah. Hold up your hands. And hold up your hands, man. Tell us not on my screen. That'd be good. I didn't even think of that. 510 15 Oh, 20 20 to 2222 3232 Okay, the answer is 32. Okay. Alison Sing 45:12 So what's the answer now? Robbie Myers 45:14 Well, it was how old I was when I had my first baby and Bill messenger got it right. I was 19 Jay Hamlin 45:22 Oh, all right. Hmm. I know. Robbie Myers 45:26 So Bill, I know. It's a set of grass. So I need your it's a setup. Your dress and the restaurant you want. I bet it's Galloway Bay Jay Hamlin 45:42 is out here. Lenora Blauman 45:44 Okay, yeah. Robbie Myers 45:47 Tell me what restaurant you want and and I need your address. So email those good. Thank you. Sounds good. Okay, thank you. You betcha. And tomorrow. At the end of the day, it's $100 gift certificate. Okay, I think we are done for the day. Thank you everybody. Today has been fabulous. It went really nicely and very pleased. Alison Sing 46:18 I was really nice. Should I add fun? here Jay Hamlin 46:26 all right, tomorrow, Robbie Myers 46:27 nine o'clock. Jay Hamlin 46:31 Thanks. I'm gonna stop recording. Transcribed by https://otter.ai