FY21 Business Meeting Minutes

association_business_meeting_minutes_fall_2020.pdf |
Yesler Building, 400 Yesler Way, Room 205, Seattle, Washington 98104
(206) 477-0634
FAX (206) 296-6803
Annual Business Meeting
Fall, 2020
September 17, 2020
1. Call to Order Marcel Goulet, President
President Goulet, Cowlitz County, convened the Annual Meeting at 11:45 a.m.
2. Association Business: Greta Holmstrom, Executive Officer
Business Meeting Minutes (Nov. 2019)
The minutes of the 2019 Annual Business Meeting were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed electronically to approve the minutes.
3. Financial Report Jay Hamlin, Financial Officer
Financial Reports were reviewed. Mr. Hamlin stated this is his first year as the officer. He has updated all the reports to electronic forms. He detailed the revenue and expenditures. The current balance is $223. He showed the budget and conference finances. He noted the contract with Mike Shaw for legislative work was terminated due to lack of funding available.
4. Legislative Update Mary Lynne Evans/Roberta Myers
Mary Lynne Evans reported on the committee. She explained letter writing, meeting with legislators in Olympia and monitoring bills that can affect the organization. She stated the association would now take the lead, as there is no contract with Mike Shaw.
5. Committee Reports
Conference Committee – Roberta Myers, Chair
Ms. Myers thanked the Committee for all the work to get this conference off the ground.
Web Site Committee – Jay Hamlin, Chair
Mr. Hamlin discussed the changes made to the website and updated resources page.
Nomination/Selection of Officers - Paul MacCready, Co-Chair
Mr. McCready stated Roberta Myers is the President-Elect and has stated she is willing to do a 2-year term to allow for the conference to be in person in Grays Harbor next year. He stated Jay Hamlin and Dave Hamilton have put their names forward for future year President-Elects.
6. Election of Officers - Marcel Goulet, President
President; President-Elect)
Action: Marcel Goulet made a motion to elect Roberta Myers as Association President for 2020-2021. The motion was adopted by majority electronic vote.
Action: Paul McCready motioned to select Roberta Myers as President-Elect for this for 2021-2022 as well. The motion was adopted by majority electronic vote.
7. State Association Plans/ –2020/2021 - Roberta Myers, President
Ms. Myers touched on the idea of having monthly education sessions at no charges. There was discussion on having it recorded. She stated an education survey was sent out this summer.
8. Committee Recruitment - Roberta Myers, Incoming President
Ms. Myers explained there are surveys on the website for the conference review and for signing up to be on the committees for 2021.
Adjournment - Roberta Myers, President
By a motion duly made, seconded, and adopted, the Association Annual Business Meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m.
Robbie Myers, President
Jenna Amsbury
Jenna Amsbury, Executive Officer
Yesler Building, 400 Yesler Way, Room 205, Seattle, Washington 98104
(206) 477-0634
FAX (206) 296-6803
Annual Business Meeting
Fall, 2020
September 17, 2020
1. Call to Order Marcel Goulet, President
President Goulet, Cowlitz County, convened the Annual Meeting at 11:45 a.m.
2. Association Business: Greta Holmstrom, Executive Officer
Business Meeting Minutes (Nov. 2019)
The minutes of the 2019 Annual Business Meeting were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed electronically to approve the minutes.
3. Financial Report Jay Hamlin, Financial Officer
Financial Reports were reviewed. Mr. Hamlin stated this is his first year as the officer. He has updated all the reports to electronic forms. He detailed the revenue and expenditures. The current balance is $223. He showed the budget and conference finances. He noted the contract with Mike Shaw for legislative work was terminated due to lack of funding available.
4. Legislative Update Mary Lynne Evans/Roberta Myers
Mary Lynne Evans reported on the committee. She explained letter writing, meeting with legislators in Olympia and monitoring bills that can affect the organization. She stated the association would now take the lead, as there is no contract with Mike Shaw.
5. Committee Reports
Conference Committee – Roberta Myers, Chair
Ms. Myers thanked the Committee for all the work to get this conference off the ground.
Web Site Committee – Jay Hamlin, Chair
Mr. Hamlin discussed the changes made to the website and updated resources page.
Nomination/Selection of Officers - Paul MacCready, Co-Chair
Mr. McCready stated Roberta Myers is the President-Elect and has stated she is willing to do a 2-year term to allow for the conference to be in person in Grays Harbor next year. He stated Jay Hamlin and Dave Hamilton have put their names forward for future year President-Elects.
6. Election of Officers - Marcel Goulet, President
President; President-Elect)
Action: Marcel Goulet made a motion to elect Roberta Myers as Association President for 2020-2021. The motion was adopted by majority electronic vote.
Action: Paul McCready motioned to select Roberta Myers as President-Elect for this for 2021-2022 as well. The motion was adopted by majority electronic vote.
7. State Association Plans/ –2020/2021 - Roberta Myers, President
Ms. Myers touched on the idea of having monthly education sessions at no charges. There was discussion on having it recorded. She stated an education survey was sent out this summer.
8. Committee Recruitment - Roberta Myers, Incoming President
Ms. Myers explained there are surveys on the website for the conference review and for signing up to be on the committees for 2021.
Adjournment - Roberta Myers, President
By a motion duly made, seconded, and adopted, the Association Annual Business Meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m.
Robbie Myers, President
Jenna Amsbury
Jenna Amsbury, Executive Officer